Outside My Art

Life and experiences outside the art studio

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What Is Summer? Art In the City

School buses have made their final rounds and the kiddos are home for the summer.  Summer is different for everyone.  Beyond the more standard fare of barbeques and swimming pools, we all have different things that evoke summertime for us.  When I was a kid (I’ll never say growing-up because I feel as if I… read more

Wildlife Management: Why Short-Sightedness Is Simply Irresponsible

Let me start by saying today’s post has nothing to do with art.   Before becoming a professional artist, my career was in wildlife management, so after seeing this article, “US Army Corps of Engineers announces it will move forward with plan to slaughter 11,000 cormorants“, I was ticked off.  Not for what most would… read more

Healthy Living: Easy Herb and Feta Salsa

  If you are anything like me, you eat healthier when the recipe is fast, simple, and allows for a lot of variation. Here is my favorite base mix:  a non-spicy fresh salsa recipe made with herbs and feta cheese.  This salsa is great on crackers, with tuna, on toasted bread drizzled with olive oil… read more